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Winter is the perfect season to indulge in a bit of cosy ‘me time’. The Scandinavians have a word for it – Hygge – the idea of hunkering down and doing something that makes you feel as if you’re giving yourself a great big, enveloping warm hug. And that’s what this issue of Yours Fiction aims to do – with stories to lift your spirits, raise a smile or touch your heart.
As an extra treat we have a special collection – Tales of the Forties – featuring three brand new stories based in wartime, a period marked by intense love and tragic loss. For crime fans we have an exclusive extract from Elly Griffiths’ latest mystery featuring forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway. And we grabbed the chance to chat to Elly about what inspires her writing and the books that changed her. Plus the chance to win with our £200 book giveaway.